An astute business leader with visionary leadership abilities in service of the greater good, Simone is dedicated to promoting skills transfer and development, with infallible commitment to Godly principles in all commercial endeavors. Humbly accomplished in communally beneficial business development, Simone commits herself to client service expertise of the highest caliber, driven by above-board principles.
We People

Co-Founder & Director
An astute business leader with visionary leadership abilities in service of the greater good, Simone is dedicated to promoting skills transfer and development with infallible commitment to Godly principles in all commercial endeavors Humbly accomplished in communally beneficial business development, Simone commits herself to client service expertise of the high est caliber, driven by above board principles.

Co-Founder & Director
Dedicated South African Operations Management Professional with extensive experience in a wide range of sales, administrative, technical and executive support roles, Kobus identifies client n eeds on point an d delivers practical short and long term solutions He manages efficiency and profitability with customer satisfaction always front of mind Kobus excels at resolving employer challenges with innovative solutions, systems and process improvements that optimise efficiencies and profitability He is a skilled relationship builder who seamlessly overcomes challenges with innovation thinking.